Tuesday, 17 April 2012


It’s true, the right series of words can describe your company and the services or products it provides in the most positive terms possible. Such words will, if chosen wisely, help you break through all the other advertising messages out there and it will differentiate you from your competition.

 Alternatively they can actually break you!

So don’t wait, get yourself a really good copywriter and experience the difference he or she can bring to your sales performance.

They will, through the power of words:

·        write headlines that quickly attract your ideal clients
·         make your marketing message crystal clear & simply irresistible

For example, what do you make of the following copy?

Arrange a free business review

Take advantage of our FREE fast track Business Review. Claim a priority meeting with a Senior Adviser to investigate key areas of your business – such as skills, finance, marketing and operational processes. The review will focus on actions for future development and help identify areas of improvement that can deliver real benefits and boost your business.
To arrange your review, complete the online registration form - Opens in a new window, call our Client Contact Centre.

Did it motivate you to make contact?

Apparently it was one of the most effective methods used to generate new enquiries; it increased them by 63%.

So words can be extremely powerful, they can get people to do what you want them to do i.e. respond or be moved onto the next planned sales step.

If you need some help, you know a man who can.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Jack, King or Queen, does it really matter?

Yes, in the sense that we have to recognise the effective marketing of your firm’s services or products is essential, especially in difficult recessionary times, and it must be given the appropriate level of attention and resources.

For instance, in a recent survey of construction firms and the types of marketing tactics and tools they employ, the following results were obtained;

Brochures and other printed sales materials-85.7%
Social Media-76.2%
Public Relations-59.9%
Direct Mail-42.9%
Marketing Plans-28.6%
Lead Services-23.8%
Market Research-19.1%

Convincing stuff, yes?

Well, not in my experience. I have found that when I work with clients to create a better future for their firms, we tend to track the following steps.

Gain a perception of what business they are actually in or want to be part of
Develop a Marketing Plan
Produce a sale orientated and fully optimised website that generates leads
Re-engage with existing customers
Utilise planning report data
Make telephone introductions
Combination of automated direct mail, email and newsletters.
Social Media
Networking events (construction related)

The above actions tend to get clients on track, they know how to contact people, how to get them to move logically and smoothly to the next step that leads prospective clients towards closing out the sale.

Obviously, other clients find them selves driven and controlled by the procurement processes of others. Some clients insist on us following their methodologies which require a different approach.

But that’s for another occasion.

If you need help, you know a man who can