Wednesday 28 December 2011

Have you ever said yes to someone (who isn’t really a prospect) and said NO to someone else (who really is a great prospect)?

Well if you haven’t you’re lucky.

I’ve done it loads of times, I think!

Well, you never really know, do you?

I do.

Because I have found to my everlasting chagrin that I have missed judged someone/a situation on numerous occasions.

My most frustrating one was when I was asked to be the ‘Fifth Beetle’!

No not really, I’m just kidding!

But I have got it wrong at times.

So is there a ‘Silver Bullet’ that you and I can use. NO, sorry.

But you can try to Test or Qualify.

Testing your prospect could mean you ask him. “Great but can you come to me instead”?


To Qualify him you could ask could. “Can you make a decision on this matter or not”?

It saves time and money if you can find out where you stand early on.

If you don’t know how to do this sort of stuff, you know a man who does.

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