Monday 12 December 2011

‘The most expensive of information is BAD information’

So, I said to my newly secured client. “We need to establish exactly who you have been working for over the past few years”, he replied, “WHY?”

Well, if we don’t, how are we going to know what types of customers we have worked for and what sort of services or products we have been supplying?

“Why do we need to establish that?” he asked.

Well if you don’t, you won’t know:

  • What sectors we have a real connection with
  • How many client we have in total
  • How significant or otherwise is their contribution to our business
  • How many times have they been a client
  • Are they profit ‘Generators’ or profit ‘Hoovers’ etc
But obviously there is no point gathering and presenting information if it isn’t sufficiently comprehensive, in context or accurate. That is BAD information.

So, if you are wishing to make progress, make sure the information you base your key decisions on is sufficiently robust to allow you to base your decisions on which will allow you to determine the right way forward.

If you don’t know how to, you know a man who can

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