Monday 11 July 2011


I was at one of my favourite ‘Construction Forums’ earlier this week.

I was asked, by a very young ‘rooky’ salesman who worked for a company that specialises in the manufacture and installation of historic stone masonry, “what are the three most important things in salesmanship?

Well I said “ on the assumption your firms marketing strategy is creating an appropriate platform for the various service offerings, makes your offer stand out from the competition and provides  you with relevant sales leads”, these are my top three:

  1. plan your work and work your plan
  2. see as many ( qualified ) prospects as possible
  3. find out what the prospects problems are i.e. what is his ‘PAIN’

Once having realised he was desperately serious I engaged my brain and thought of a few more relevant issues:

  • ask questions and listen intently
  • make notes/keep records
  • manage and guard your time
  • do everything in priority order
  • qualify (no pain-no interest)
  • help prospects to appreciate what their real problems are, help them to determine their options and provide information to support their contentions.
  • never let your firm let a client or prospect down
  • don’t forget your contacts, prospects and clients forget you-and never forget them

After about two hours, he seemed impressed, so was I, I think I actually told him more than I knew!

Unfortunately, I forgot his name and forgot to get his contact details.

So if you have any problems associated with the above you know a man who can help!

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