Thursday 28 July 2011

RIP means ‘Rest in Peace’ or does it?

An architect friend of mine recently said to me “it’s all about RIP”.

“Come on Dave don’t go negative on me”.  I said!

“No you’ve got me wrong” he replied, “what I mean is that it’s all about”:
·         ‘Relevance
·         Information
·          Presentation’.
What we were wrestling with was how we could present their firm in such a way that it differentiates them from all their competitors.

 Dave had recently attended a seminar where the presenter had shown a clip from YouTube that showed a street busker playing a violin at the entrance to a railway station. After one hour of playing his violin to passersby he earned £37.40.

In actual fact, the ‘busker’ was a world class violinist that played concerts all over the world and was paid on average £40,000 a night!

So why the difference?

Well the passengers at the railway station could not see the ‘Relevance’ of the  buskers playing to their journey ,did not have any ‘Information’ regarding this guys prowess as a classical violinist or was not ‘Presented’ to them properly i.e. no stage, lighting or backing orchestra!

So what!

Well this story really helped us to clarify our thinking. We now had a datum or reference point to debate around/refer to.

It was certainly more meaningful and powerful than my Strategy Development Check List.

Try it.

If you need any help you know a man who can.

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