When should a business take Branding seriously?
Well, first of all, are we talking about the branding of products or services?
Is there a difference?
Some would argue no, because services can be ‘Productizes’!
Your product or service needs to have an ‘Identity’ of its own. When trying to discuss ‘Brand Identity’ things can get very technical and confusing, so lets just stick to using the KISS principle ( Keep it Simple Stupid) here.
In simple terms you have to:
- Determine your Value - i.e ask clients what your brand is or represents.
- Discover your USP (unique sales proposition) - compare your offer to that of your competitors.
- Choose your Audience - who is your perfect target audience.
- Position your Offer - in terms of price, service and quality
- Package your Brand - visually, verbally and experientially.
- Deliver your Product - the proof of your brand is in the benefits it delivers.
It all sounds very simple and thankfully it is, if you give it the care and attention the market brand leaders do e.g. Apple, Coca Cola and Toyota.
A compelling Brand can be the foundation of your future success in business.
If you need any help you know a man who can help.
Terry O’Mahony