Tuesday 2 August 2011


But does it?

Some ships/boats might have been on the bottom for a long time and got too stuck in the mood to be released by a rising sea level; some boats might have been holed in some way whilst some might be naturally be inclined to float!

But what’s this got to do with the current parlous state of the construction market?

Well some construction leaders are doing the same as some boats i.e. they have got stuck or marooned; they have either fully battened down the hatches for the long haul and are thus merely waiting for the tide to turn, or to a lesser extent have chosen to keep their costs as low as possible and not put crazy bids in.

Others are perhaps more enlightened or proactive; they are planning and investing in their futures.

How I hear you ask?

Well it depends, but action of one sort or another is required, and it usually has to come from the top!

Well to run a successful/intelligent company we have to address at least some of the following:

  • Keep your existing customers happy(keep abreast of their changing circumstances,challenges and needs and find ways to help them  resolve or optimise them)
  • Attract new clients from you chosen target market or sectors
  • Convert prospective clients into paying clients
  • Perform, deliver in full, add real value, retain them, up-sell and cross sell them
  • Ask for introductions and referrals
  • Keep in touch by sending them useful information
  • Keep the account moving forward

So does the same rising tide work equally for all boats?

Well if you don’t think so, you know a man who can help you.

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