Tuesday 16 August 2011


Yesterday, I was in a meeting with my client and some of his team, when his contracts manager said “If it ain’t broke why fix it”! We all burst out laughing because this was far too profound a statement to come from him. He also saw funny side too and he also began to laugh. In fact he laughed so hard that a tear ran down his leg!
But as you can imagine he was trying to make a serious point about a technical matter. A colleague said “but it is broke”! And a heated debate ensued.

This instance reminded me of another client who is a business improvement consultant. He uses a series of techniques to help companies organise themselves to be more efficient and to raise quality standards. He once said “If ain’t broke, fix it, but fix it better “.

I have told myself on many an occasion, when I’m being told that this marketing concept or sales technique works a treat, that they usually are not producing maximum results. Normally after a bit of investigation into the ‘real’facts they are underperforming and with the odd tweak can deliver even better results.

Check for your self.

If you don’t know how you know a man who does!

Let me know how I can help you win.

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