Monday, 23 January 2012


Have you ever had too much to do and too little time to do it in?

Well, I’m there right now; in fact I seem to be there all the time of late.

Stuff just seems to keep coming through the door all the time and not surprisingly the folk that have sent it expect an instant response; and so they should. Why not, it’s easy to supply strategically important marketing strategies, tactics and communication tools, isn’t it?

But seriously, when the pressure is on, how can we actually do less and earn more at the same time?

Well, I find the following of some positive use; I ask myself:

  • Is this request important, urgent, or both?
  • Am I working longer and harder than I planned too?
  • Is there a fast/easy way to do what is required of me i.e. can I find a relevant and accessible answer which already exists in-house or is publically available, or am I attempting to reinvent the wheel all over again?
  • Do I know someone who can help me or accelerate my ability to respond effectively?

What I actually find best, is too simply prioritise what is required of me and respond accordingly, even if I can’t satisfy everyone within their chosen timeframes.

No exceptions or excuses!

I am also conscious that there is often no excuse for good old experience.

If you need a formula to follow, you know a man who can provide you with one.

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