Monday 9 January 2012


I used to do this.

Quite a lot.

I don’t any more, because I have learnt, often from being lucky enough to have worked over the years with a lot of very smart colleagues and clients that focusing on the wrong issue at the wrong time for the wrong reasons can get you in to real trouble.

Because, if you do find yourself majoring in minor things, you will not only miss the point by miles, you often deny yourself the chance to redeem things later on.

Always remember to give your thoughts, ideas and impending actions a ‘Sense Check’ before embarking yourself and your team on a particular course of action.

Always try to determine what represents a best fit or best course of action to follow before finalising your decision.

Over the years I have met so many people who have found themselves ‘majoring on minor things’, or in other words focusing on one unimportant issue, rather than being able to spot what is the real problem to solve.

So in order to make progress we need to major on the key or core issues confronting us and determine a best course of action: that way you won’t go far wrong.

If you need some help in this regard you know a man who can

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