Thursday 26 January 2012


When I asked him, “Do you know which of your advertising is working for you”, he said “no not really”. Not a good start; but pretty typical of most small companies.

Which reminds me, I once read that someone had stated that ‘half their advertising worked; but they just didn’t know which half’!

Following on from which, after some discussion, I suggested that it would be a good idea if he filled out a form that informed him who was buying which of his products.


Because this is a very methodology that anyone can put together.

Down one side of a piece of paper record all the promotions you have invested in; on the other axis list all your clients that have bought your advertising/products.

What it will clearly show you is who bought what.

Which is really powerful stuff, because it actually tells us which ‘half’ of our advertising is working!

If you need help, you know a man who can.

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