Tuesday 31 January 2012


When I first heard this contention I didn’t really think much of it.

For instance, if you’re thinking about making money do you automatically become a millionaire? No!

More realistically still, if you think about how to become a top class marketeer do you just become one? No!

You only become one, if at all, if you invest all your time, energy and ability in becoming fully effective in your chosen field.

You become something you aspire to be because you directly or vicariously invest the majority of your time in doing it/living it/loving it/becoming it.

I know someone who really wanted to be a top marketeer.

She read every book she could lay her hands on related to marketing. Unfortunately for her she wasn’t a very practical person and even worse had no innate innovatory capabilities or instincts.

So do we really become what we think about?

Well I think we can.

But, over and above our decision to become something of our choice we do need to have  some related qualities. Imagine wanting to be a triathlete but not being able to swim. Not a good foundation really.

However, in terms of marketing and sales functions, you can become what you think about if you care enough about one fundamental issue:

‘Do you really want to help people to solve their business/marketing challenges and problems ethically, quickly and cost effectively’?

If you do want to be an effective marketeer I do think you can learn or develop all that’s necessary to become what you think about or aspire to be!

If you’re honest and helpful by nature!

If you need any help, you know a man who can

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