Thursday, 2 February 2012

Strategy versus tactic of the week!

Eventually, we established that almost every initiative my prospective client had invested in had not paid off for them.


Sometimes that’s not easy to determine.

However, when we enquired further we managed to establish that almost every marketing tactic that they had invested in was what might be called a ‘knee- jerk reaction’ to a business problem or marketing need.

No real strategy often delivers ineffective tactical results.

So strategy is paramount.

They help to determine:

-best direction of travel

-target markets, customer profiles and their frustrations

-competitor advantages (and weaknesses)

-who can help you etc

So once you have worked out a ‘Strategy’ you can more easily determine which promotional/lead generation tactics are relevant, cost effective and which will deliver.

So if you need some clarification you know a man who can.

Terry O’Mahony

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