Monday 27 February 2012


They say “There is nothing in this world of ours that’s new, different or unique”.

Everything is really a finding, development or an extension of something past, or is an amalgamation of a series of things that when joined together produces what appears to be different, novel or provides a new competitive advantage.

So we don’t have to ‘re-invent the wheel’.

All we need to do is find the most relevant or effective way to start to create something that appears to be new, different or better.

Start from that point.

For instance, there have been so many books written on the subject of sales and marketing that you can find some form of inspiration to get you moving in the right direction, e.g. how to prospect, qualify or establish you’re USP (Unique Sales Proposition).

Few of us enjoy true creativity, original thought or even a simple new idea.

So don’t try, just find the nearest information that approximates a reasonable starting point.

It works;  it’s quick and can be very effective. Try it!

Or, you know a man who can help.

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